BI.ZONE contributes to the International Committee of the Red Cross on the digitalization of humanitarian emblems

BI.ZONE contributes to the International Committee of the Red Cross on the digitalization of humanitarian emblems

For two years, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been researching the risks of implementing a digital red cross emblem
June 13, 2023

In the future, the red cross emblem is meant to protect the digital infrastructure of the ICRC and medical facilities in the same way that it protects the ICRC vehicles, mobile camps, and buildings in times of conflict. The research involved 44 experts from 16 countries, including BI.ZONE specialists.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has released a Russian version of the report devoted to the digitalization of the red cross emblem. The experts conclude that the benefits of creating a digital emblem of the red cross, red crescent, and red crystal outweigh the possible risks. In the report, they also outline three options for implementing such a project, and point out the need to continue efforts in this respect.

The organization has been focused on technology for several years already. The ICRC sees humanitarian issues related to digitalization as one of its priority areas. The online world is rapidly evolving and its humanitarian component must not lag behind. The ability to mark and protect critical data and systems during armed conflicts is the key to saving lives, potentially in the very near future, and perhaps even starting today.

The report is the result of a two-year extensive research and international expert consultations, with active contribution from Russian representatives. BI.ZONE was one of the key contributors during consultations.

Medical institutions and humanitarian organizations are often subjected to cyberattacks, especially during geopolitical tensions. Sometimes they are the prime target, but more often they are just incidental victims. We at BI.ZONE highly appreciate the initiative and are happy to assist the ICRC in working on the digital emblem.
Dmitry Samartsev
We value the input of the expert community in this project. It is essential for the ICRC to continue consultations with governments on this matter. The consensus among states is one of the key conditions for the success of this endeavor. After all, the need for a digital red cross is becoming increasingly clear.
Boris Michel
Head of the ICRC Regional Delegation to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
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