BI.ZONE Threat Intelligence
The BI.ZONE Threat Intelligence portal gives easy access to all known indicators of compromise and attacker data. By implementing the portal into daily corporate processes, your cybersecurity team can enrich their knowledge base, improve the efficiency of existing security tools, and build robust defenses
Learn about the incidents to be prepared for
Build better defenses to minimize damage
Use indicators of compromise to detect malicious activity that bypassed the security tools
Stay up‑to‑date on emerging threats to keep them off your IT infrastructure
Stay aware of any compromised employee and third‑party accounts to provide a timely response
Quickly identify threats to speed up attack analysis
Data about business critical threats to help decision-makers understand industry risks and effectively manage cybersecurity budgets.
The data will help to understand:
perpetrator motivation and goals in the context of specific countries and industries
most vulnerable points in the IT infrastructure
potential damage from incidents
Data about attack methods that enable cybersecurity professionals to search for threats proactively.
The data will help to understand:
technical details of the attacks
effectiveness of existing security tools
methods, tools, and malware used by the attackers
Technical information about attacks or campaigns specific to your industry. Includes description of perpetrator methods and enables companies to build defenses against emerging threats.
The data will help to understand:
current threat landscape
new tactics before their implementation
New indicators of compromise to integrate with your security tools, increase the chances of detecting cyberattacks, and reduce incident investigation time.
The data will help to understand:
greater threat landscape
dangers not detected by security controls
Sources of intelligence
The portal gathers publicly available data on phishing links and domain names
The service provides intelligence on email‑related threats
Researchers discover new threats and track changes in the methods of known cybercriminal groups
The solution collects threat data from EDR agents deployed across Russia
Digital forensics specialists investigate incidents around the globe
Publicly available data are carefully filtered by our experts
The retrospective analysis module enhances your security tools and enables you to detect incidents in the IT infrastructure based on indicators of compromise