BI.ZONE Cyber Polygon Platform
BI.ZONE Cyber Polygon Platform is designed as a self‑paced, individual training resource that covers forensics, security assessment, and threat monitoring (SOC). Trainings are available at any time
Gain hands‑on experience investigating real cybersecurity incidents
Pay your subscription online
Answer questions, earn points, improve your score, and compete with other specialists
Go through the scenarios in your own time
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It has become easier than ever to explore the platform. No subscription is required to get on the scoreboard.
Previously, the platform offered only a challenging scenario to train with. Now you have an easier scenario to learn the platform machanics. It consists of 16 tasks and takes 1–2 hours to complete.
Your results for passing the free scenarios are now taken into account in the ranking, even without the Premium subscription. All users who started any of the free scenarios and received points for their progress are automatically included in the rankings.