Vulnerability scanner MS17-010
Please feel free to use it and distribute among your clients and partners.
The scanner detects four states of the computer system:
- No vulnerability MS17-010 (no message from scanner);
- Vulnerability MS17-010 detected;
- The system is infected;
- Incorrect operation of SMB protocol.
The scanner is written in GO. With GOLANG installed, you can use this scanner on any system or compile it for any platform. Here is a link for GOLANG installation: https://golang.org/doc/install
Please note that this utility might be detected by antivirus software, as it uses a part of the exploit to find the vulnerability. The archive contains an .exe file and the source code of the scanner. Here is the link for archive download: scanner.wannacry.7z
Usage instructions
$ scanner.exe -h
WannaCry scanner tool by BiZone
Usage of scanner.exe:
- file string
File with list of targets to scan. Each address or netmask on new line.
- ip string
IP address
- net string
IP network address. Example:
- out string
Output file with results of scan in CSV format. Example: results.csv
- verbose
Verbose output
- workers int
Count of concurrent workers. (default 200, max count 1000)
scanner.exe -ip
scanner.exe -net
scanner.exe -file ips.txt -out vuln.csv
The utility is downloadable from:
The password for the archive is 'wannacry'
The checksum:
shasum scanner.exe
78801a61a36500e797979e41d118d762405d54d4 scanner.exe