BI.ZONE and Smart City School gave a lecture on cybersecurity
Smart City School, a unique educational platform on the territory of VDNKh park in Moscow, opens its doors for the students of different ages to learn about modern technologies and the ways they influence our everyday life. Smart City was established by the IT department of the Moscow Government in order to introduce the city’s residents to the innovative solutions used in the capital city today. The Smart City School is just starting its activities, and BI.ZONE had the honour to give a very first lecture here on Wednesday, April 4.
During the lecture, our leading cyber forensics expert, Boris Ivanov, fully uncovered the idea of cybersecurity to the young audience, talking at length about what cybersecurity is, which types of cybercrime are the most widespread, what are the ways to investigate them, and how the criminals are found and caught.
After the workshop where the children had a chance to see how to investigate incidents using the example of a real-life case with a banking trojan, Boris was literally peppered with questions: the participants wanted to know how to become a white hacker, what does the word “phishing” mean, and why it is so dangerous. The topics of Darknet and cryptocurrencies also weren’t left aside — children wanted to know everything about these modern phenomena. Some students even asked highly relevant and specific questions, wondering about the features of various antiviruses and the strength of encryption keys.
The topic of cybersecurity gripped the audience so much that the meeting took more than three hours. We had to give up the coffee break in order to get through all the questions in the allotted time
The authors of the most interesting questions received special gifts from BI.ZONE: sets of T-shirts, tumblers and stickers.