BI.ZONE presents a report on the Cyber Polygon international exercise at the World Economic Forum’s event
- The report contains Cyber Polygon’s results, the description of the exercise itself and preparations for it, as well as interviews and talks delivered by world-renowned cybersecurity experts.
- The main conclusion of the report is that joining the efforts of different companies makes for a significantly more effective defense against cyber threats.
- The next Cyber Polygon will be conducted on July 8, 2020, on the eve of the third International Cybersecurity Congress (ICC).
BI.ZONE has presented a report on Cyber Polygon, an international online exercise for tackling global cyber threats. The report was prepared with support from the World Economic Forum and active involvement from INTERPOL, and presented at the Forum’s Annual Meeting on Cybersecurity that took place at Geneva on November 12–13.
Cyber Polygon was conducted in June 2019. The participants’ goal was to repel three most common types of cyberattacks relevant to almost any industry and region: a DDoS attack, a ransomware infection, and an attack on a web application. Among the participants were companies from the financial sector— Sberbank (Russia), New Development Bank (Shanghai, China); telecommunications companies—Transtelecom (Kazakhstan), MTS (Russia); and government agencies—the Department of Information and Communications Technology of the Philippine Government. IBM and Fortinet acted as technological partners.
Each scenario was tested twice. First, participants tried to defend on their own and then did the same while using BI.ZONE ThreatVision data exchange platform. In the latter case, information about an attack found by one participant was uploaded to the platform and automatically made available to everyone else. The exercise demonstrated that sharing data between organizations from different spheres drastically improves the overall cyber resilience and helps protect companies even from threats that they couldn’t overcome on their own. Data exchange has dramatically improved response time as well, which was 7 times faster.
The report also contains interviews with cybersecurity experts: Head of Cyber Resilience at the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity Bruno Halopeau, INTERPOL’s Director of Cybercrime Craig Jones, and a renowned cybersecurity strategist and entrepreneur Menny Barzilay. During the exercise, several talks were delivered by representatives from Qrator Labs, Fortinet, Kaspersky Lab, and SolidLab. Articles based on those talks have also been included in the document. The report can be downloaded from the official website. It will be of interest to top managers and tech specialists alike.
The next Cyber Polygon exercise will take place on July 8, 2020, on the eve of the third International Cybersecurity Congress (ICC) that is slated for July 9–10. ICC is one of the key cybersecurity events of the year. This international and cross-industry platform facilitates discussions among government officials, world business leaders, and leading cybersecurity experts on the most relevant and pressing cybersecurity issues affecting the global digital transformation. This year, it took place in Moscow on June 20–21 and was attended by 2,729 delegates from 65 countries.