Moscow hosts the second international conference on cybersecurity OFFZONE 2019
The organizer, BI.ZONE, partnered up with @mail.ru, Qiwi, Sberbank CS, Swordfish Security and VisionLabs to deliver this high-quality event.
Over the course of two days, 1600 people visited the Digital Business Space venue; among them were active cybersecurity practitioners, developers, engineers, researchers, teachers and students from more than 20 countries. Over 60 cybersecurity experts from Russia, Europe, Asia and America shared their experiences with the attendees.
The main theme of the conference this year was the vulnerability of hardware. Evgeny Voloshin of BI.ZONE presented the results of the company’s global review, “Attacks on Embedded Systems”, which were addressed to managers and specialist engineers.
The educational marathon of the first day began with a speech from the Head of Offensive Hardware and Firmware Research for NVIDIA’s main product lines, Alexander Matrosov, on the topic “The evolution of complex threats: an arms race between the analyst and the attacker”. In his report, Alexander explored how the approaches to reverse analysis and forensics have changed recently, talked about the “black spots” in protection systems, focusing on what needs to be improved in order to continue the race towards evolving more effective protection.
The key speaker of the second day was Rodrigo Branco, Chief Security Researcher at Intel, who has more than 10 years of experience in the field of cybersecurity. Rodrigo talked about “the machine from the inside”—how ethical hacking determines the methods of our calculations. In his speech, Rodrigo gave his own expertise on the most effective attack prevention schemes, explained what an exploit is, and also shared information on how large corporations ensure their own security by focusing on the most vulnerable points.
Finance.Zone, which covered topical issues of payment card security, vulnerabilities of POS terminals, fraud and antifraud, was opened on the second day of the conference. The lineup for Finance.Zone consisted of specialists from BI.ZONE, Kaspersky Lab, QIWI, Cybertonica and Positive Technologies presenting their reports on security in financial services.
Aside from the educational part, the OFFZONE 2019 conference offered a lot of interactive entertainment—the conference goers spent time looking for vulnerabilities in smart devices, upgraded their badges in the soldering zone, competed in eSports tournaments and got real tattoos in post-apocalyptic style. Each successfully completed task on the badge was awarded conference currency—OFFCOINS, which then could be exchanged for T-shirts, posters and other souvenirs with OFFZONE branding.
About the conference
OFFZONE is the annual international conference on practical cybersecurity which has been held in Moscow since 2018. The main mission of the conference is truly high-quality technical content and practical research in the field of cybersecurity. More information can be found on the official conference site OFFZONE.MOSCOW.